I know that it sounds really fast, but I agree with a lot of friends from Crazy Sexy Life and I do need to find a way to cope and move on. I have found myself in a depression because I'm not going to lie, I am the age where I am so ready to be a mom and I have been spoiling everyone else's kids for so long, the thought of spoiling my own just sent me threw the clouds. Now that that dream is gone at the moment, I need to be able to still be supportive for my friends who are starting families right now too. I know that its going to be hard but I'm trying to find away around it so that I can still support them, because in the end...I am still so happy for them.

I guess with that it is back to the drawing/knitting board. I have currently 22 projects in my house waiting to be worked on. Most of them child related and therefore a lot of love is needed to be put into them. I think that maybe it is time to pick up on where I left off and finish the currently blanket that I am working on. I am not going to say who it is for but I do know that once I post the current progress picture, you would all guess right away..... I will give you a hint... it started like this, (to the left).....and is currently sitting like below.

For those that cant really tell what the green and pink is... it would be 7 different blocks that were knitted. you will see what i was planning on doing once it is put together but first I need to work on getting back home and getting stronger. So for now, I guess I need to start knitting the blocks for the Heather's Blanket. These are the 2 hardest for me because they are both for little girls, however I am so excited for Heather because she has too little boys already and has been holding her breath for years for this little pea. Well I think I am going to go back to resting for now......
Although my smiles have been few and far between, I am praying that all of you are finding lots of smiles in your day......