I forgot add that when I woke up yesterday morning I had a very special voicemail waiting for me on my phone. It was eli who just returned from a trip...click below to here a little about it.
Eli's Voice Mail
♥I believe we need to spend our lives loving and supporting the things that mean the most to us.... It is in those things that our hearts find peace and character is built. -Me ♥
Monday, May 31, 2010
A Perfect Day With My Sister
So I don't really have many photos of my sister and I together from today but today we did spend the perfect day together. First I started with church where I found it almost soothing to hear my friend who was reading the passages today to read one of my favorite passages Romans Ch 5:1-5
1Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[a]have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we[b] rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3Not only so, but we[c] also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Really the whole chapter is amazing but just those passages also give me hope with the everyday battles I have had to face over the last few years. So to hear them read allowed, by my friend of all people was a peaceful thing between me and God today. :0) After church I went to lunch with Tom, Shell and Thomas where I managed to open my fortune cookie and fling it across the table into shells ice tea glass before even getting to read the fortune. lol. Silly not working hands. After lunch I ran to AC Moore and then back home to finish the last of the buttons and to get interrupted by Kassie asking me to attempt to do her hair. So with 1 and 1/2 hands (my right hand isn't functioning well at the moment) I manage to do her hair and we set off to Grandma Ellis's and then Waterford park to take photos. We stopped in to give Gram her shirts which I finished finally and Kassie was able to see Natalie for the first time in person. Shortly there after more photos, dinner and then we ended the day with Kassie taking me to see Alice in Wonderland. I was doubtful at first but I loved the movie if only for the reason that the caterpillar helps Alice a lot and in the end, He moves on to becoming a butterfly. It was the perfect ending to not only the movie but to the perfect day. So with that I will share some photos and then head to bed because I am exhausted.

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”
Good Night and Keep Smiling!
1Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[a]have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we[b] rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3Not only so, but we[c] also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Really the whole chapter is amazing but just those passages also give me hope with the everyday battles I have had to face over the last few years. So to hear them read allowed, by my friend of all people was a peaceful thing between me and God today. :0) After church I went to lunch with Tom, Shell and Thomas where I managed to open my fortune cookie and fling it across the table into shells ice tea glass before even getting to read the fortune. lol. Silly not working hands. After lunch I ran to AC Moore and then back home to finish the last of the buttons and to get interrupted by Kassie asking me to attempt to do her hair. So with 1 and 1/2 hands (my right hand isn't functioning well at the moment) I manage to do her hair and we set off to Grandma Ellis's and then Waterford park to take photos. We stopped in to give Gram her shirts which I finished finally and Kassie was able to see Natalie for the first time in person. Shortly there after more photos, dinner and then we ended the day with Kassie taking me to see Alice in Wonderland. I was doubtful at first but I loved the movie if only for the reason that the caterpillar helps Alice a lot and in the end, He moves on to becoming a butterfly. It was the perfect ending to not only the movie but to the perfect day. So with that I will share some photos and then head to bed because I am exhausted.

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”
Good Night and Keep Smiling!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Prom and Projects....
Kat's prom was this past Friday and her and her friends all looked incredible! Kat had a pretty entertaining time up until now preparing for it between shopping for shoes and painting masks but everything ended up looking great and due to Kat...everything was awesome. Again she left us all feeling old; which is only going to get worse here in 2 weeks when she graduates. Ugh! I remember changing her diapers. 

I think other than getting ready for graduations; all my friends are either having babies or getting engaged again this year. I think I am officially the last hold out in my group. I guess I don't really mind but I am getting kinda lonely and its still a little painful on the baby subject but God has great plan for me yet I am sure of it. I just don't know what it is. Anyways.... I did finish most of grandma's shirts other than tacking them on the side which I am doing today and I did finish heather's blanket as well as getting Jeff's almost all together. Things are coming along and with a long weekend with my family; should get a good bit done. :0)

I hope everyone has a great weekend and Holiday!

I think other than getting ready for graduations; all my friends are either having babies or getting engaged again this year. I think I am officially the last hold out in my group. I guess I don't really mind but I am getting kinda lonely and its still a little painful on the baby subject but God has great plan for me yet I am sure of it. I just don't know what it is. Anyways.... I did finish most of grandma's shirts other than tacking them on the side which I am doing today and I did finish heather's blanket as well as getting Jeff's almost all together. Things are coming along and with a long weekend with my family; should get a good bit done. :0)

I hope everyone has a great weekend and Holiday!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Puppet Video- words from a sister
For those who didn't know that Jenn was having a rough time of things this week; she is. She is still too weak to get up and around but has asked me to finish a few things for her on her to do list and posting this video for Jim was one of them. I couldn't figure any other way to get this video online other than to video it while watching it so that is what I did. I am not as technical as Jenn is but I tried and Therefore I apologize for the bits of Jenn's DVD player being in the video. Any who; just follow the link below and it will take you to the video. It is a safe link. For those sending recipes; we greatly appreciate anything you will send. again the email is herdsmenpuppet@aol.com.
Herdsmen Puppets Promo Video
Thanks, ^_^
Herdsmen Puppets Promo Video
Thanks, ^_^
Monday, May 17, 2010
Puppet Reunion....

Almost 2 years ago I met Eli by pure accident. Most of you who know me, know that my best friends Rick and Erin were married in Sept of 2008 and that I was in their wedding. I fought so hard to make it to the wedding and even with injuring myself literally 10 weeks before the wedding. I was there standing at the front of a church watching my best friend from high school, taking his bride. (Scary thought I know. lol.) For those who didn't here the story of how I met Uncle Jimmy...He was the groomsman that Rick chose to walk with me just in case I needed to be carried down the isle. Sounds kind of funny but its seriously true. lol. Thankfully I was able to walk myself because this 6ft 5-7in man came walking in and I was in panic because I knew my shoes weren't going to be tall enough. lol. Anyways... one thing led to another and the Dj didn't show up and Jimmy had his puppets so that is where Eli came into the picture. Jimmy and Eli had to announce everyone entering the reception (me walking alone obviously) and DJing threw dinner until a sub was found. After that is was all fun and games. Although Erin wasn't too thrilled with them at the time; (I think it was more the situation with the Dj), I fell in love with this amazing puppet named Eli. The picture above is the dance that "gave me a heart attack". lol. Really its just a joke because of all the heath problems starting after the wedding. That's why if you notice, I really don't have many posts from 2009. Well here we are almost 2 years and a million Doctor visits later and...

We are Finally Reunited! lol. Jimmy, Shannon and family came into Erie for a Puppet Ministry meeting and I finally managed to be home and ok enough to visit. lol. They actually really wore me out but it was well worth it. He even got to meet some of my family in person; (He only met Kassie at the wedding), after sending text message videos with my family throughout the last 2 years to help keep our spirits boosted. He has also sense then, started traveling to nursing homes and Children's Hospitals between teaching at VBSs and Churches. He is a very busy man at 100 years old you see, but he has always found time for me and my family. :0)
It was great seeing Eli and his friends at the Herdsman Puppets however he also came to visit because they need our help. Like I said before this special Puppet Ministry and they are used to spread the Word in a way children and most adults can understand using every day scenarios and topics. It doesn't really matter what the age, you will find yourself relating and chatting with these puppets. Well this group has been working hard on a special cook book project and that is where we need your help. They are in search for recipes to help the puppets get their cookbook together.

I think with that I am going to get going. The puppets have also left me with a special video to share but I am in the process of loading it to my computer. for some of the small clips that they share with my family, visit/add my facebook page where I have been adding them lately now that I have the change. Thanks everyone!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Busy Day= sleep!
First I will start by saying Happy Mother's Day to all those moms out there or motherly figures. I hope you all had a wonderful day.
Today was a pretty special day in my book. Busy but special. My best friends' (Rick and Erin) had their daughter Natalie dedicated today. It was pretty quick and sadly I didn't get pictures but she is just so cute. She even managed to go the entire service with a huge smile on her face and let me tell you; she has one contagious smile.
I guess otherwise I really didn't do too much. There was a lunch following the service which I attended and then by 3:30 I was drained so I came home for a nap and then was off to celebrate mother's day and Madyson's birthday with my family. I love my family and the entertainment that we have/provide for and with each other. I know see why my mom always said that it isn't the same if one of us leaves because unless we are altogether, we are pretty quiet and just not ourselves. I guess that is also my moms fault for raising us all so close. Not complaining. lol.
All in all; It was an amazing day. I think my only complaint would have been the snow this morning... I mean really now; Snow in May!?!?
Now I'm off to bed where it is warm. Sweet Dream and keep Smiling!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Life, Love and Flower Pots

I guess it that time again. You know the time where the chapters of our life are changing and you just hate to look back? Where you are trying to figure out, at what point did everything start falling apart? When did everything that I loved so dearly decide to walk away and leave me alone again? I am starting to think that it is just life. That maybe I was just meant to me alone right now. I guess being alone isn't a bad thing when I have so much on my plate as it is. Maybe I just need to work through some of that before I can start moving forward with my life. I just wish life and love didn't have to hurt so bad. That people would just make up their minds to either love me or just walk away without all the back stabbing.
In the mean time I guess I will just focus on life without Jack. My family, my health and my crafts. That is how it was before and things were ok. Maybe things will go back to that, no heart ache kind of time but I know it wont be easy. Slowly I am getting threw the crafts in my room most which need to be finished by this weekend or next but I am not sure how many will. The good thing about all this is..once some of these crafts are finished, I will have some empty space in my room and then hopefully will have a dresser soon so it will be even more space.That is a good thing. I need to get things around the house in order.
Well I guess sense I am rambling now I will let everyone go. BTW the picture above was the pot I planted for one of the residents but I added to it. :0) I already gave it too her and she loved it. Now I just have to get better so I can go transfer the plant that the pot was made for.
Keep Smiling!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Flower Pots and Flower Fabric...
This flower pot may not be as spectacular compared to some in the past but once it dries and the ribbon is added it will be completely finished and ready to be given to the owner. I have been procrastinating on a lot of my projects and now i have 8-9 that need to be finished this week. That would be including the one I just added yesterday because I couldn't find a shirt to wear next weekend. lol. So now I am going to make one with the adorable sunflower fabric that I found yesterday. I also bought the hair clips I needed for my hair from the craft store and some jewels to add so it matches my outfit for next week. I have been searching for a certain type of hair clip but it seems that no store has them so I am off to make my own. Darn... another excuse to have to be crafty. lol. Anyways... I think that before I start the final rounds in finishing heather's blanket happens, I need to go wash all the paint off of myself.
Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. Keep Smiling!
Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. Keep Smiling!
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