With 33 days left for Christmas and the fact that I just got my cast off my arm....I am in crunch time for Christmas. I would love to say that things are going ok but right when I thought I was ahead this year.... My car breaks down tonight. Thankfully Zach was able to come and pick me up while his brother researched towing numbers. $117 later and a ride back home safe; I am waiting to see what it will take to fix it. Tomorrow I will have to call and see what will go on with work but for the few weeks I have full time left, Katie is allowing me to stay with her. I also think I really need to talk to my doctor about getting upset so easily. It just isnt right. I think the only good this that has happened lately is that Zach and I have started craft nights. So with the last of my crafting money for the year (due to car breakage); I have started making Christmas Headbands and I have completed Round One of Katie's Christmas blanket. Zach helped pick out the colors. Here are a few pictures to show you....
Tomorrow I am going to work more on Katies blanket and See Twilight with Ashely if she is willing to come get me. But first I have to get some sleep so I better had off now. Good Night world.