Not really thinking about it much, I realized this week that when I started this blog it was talking about how my Step Dad and I were talking about how I needed just one good year in my life because honestly....if it wasn't for Bad Luck; I wouldn't have luck at all. I still have bad luck a lot but I think that finally; (An entire year later), I am getting my "good" year. I mean sure there are things that could make it better, like bills getting paid off faster but those are things that take time and work to do. Everything is coming together though and I finally feel semi stable again. I am also excited because Zach and I have a lot planned for this year and it is all things either I or both of us have never done before. This includes a lot of new crafts. I am still holding true to using what I have before buying new and although I have been tempted a few times, I have been able to use my self control or Zach has helped keep me in check. I am however making allowances for projects needed for upcoming events this year. Zach and I will be attending our First Anime Convention with the twins in June, however we are really going on our own. Its in Sandusky, Ohio and although the con is a big part of the weekend....the hotel itself holds a lot of wondrous things for the 2 of us, such as the biggest indoor water park. lol. Anyways....Zach and I are dressing up from our favorite movie and then I am also making a dress referring to my character for the ball but I don't want to say who it is and maybe we will just see if you can guess....I will tell you that the main patter for the dress is going to be close to this....

Keep Smiling!
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