The last few days have been kind of a blur to me because I haven't really been feeling good and yesterday was a complete disaster at the doctor but I am happy to say that I have begun the process of getting a new family doctor so things will be good from here I know. The really good news is that between not feeling good and resting I have finally finished the Dino T-shirts! I'm pretty sick of puffy paint at this point but they turned out so great that I don't even really mind the long time it took me to do them.
In the last week I have also finally finished Jacks head. lol. Zach has been wanted to dress up like Jack Skeleton from the Nightmare Before Christmas for sometime but this head has been in progress since last summer. After a lot of long hours, a bunch of glue, plaster, sands and it is! Zach is currently working on the bow tie that is suppose to go with it so as soon as that is finished and the sally dress that is also in progress. I cant wait for both to be finally finished and that will be 2 more projects our of the box of things we have started but not finished yet.

The following below is also the start of something beautiful that was suppose to be used for a wedding but now in turn it will be used for a ball in June. The only reason I'm posting anything about it here is because I know that Zach doesn't come here to read this. lol. and although he knows I'm working on something spectacular he has no clue what its going to look like. :0) Just that it will have lots of colors and sparkles. lol. It may actually be one of the best things I create but we shall see. :0)
ok here is a hint to the colors and then I'm off to get working on it.
Keep Smiling!
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