Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Crocheting....

I am sorry for the massive amount of posting today but this is the actually live post. I know it has been over a month but I was on a massive crocheting and Christmas shopping spree. I know that some of you were waiting to see how the blanket ended up coming out for Kat so here are the following projects that I put together in our time apart...
Katie's Star Blanket

Hannah's poncho

Abigail's Poncho

Katie F.'s hat

Katie F.'s Ruffled Scarf

Sorry again for the lack of posting but as you can see I have been crocheting a lot! lol. I also crocheted another hat that looks like Animal from the Muppet's but I have those photos on my cell phone. Otherwise between work and family functions; I haven't been up to very much.
I have started to prepare myself for the upcoming year and it seems to be a huge year for change and moving forward finally. Zach has really been an inspiration to me in the last year and I am very thankful for him. I have set up a few major goals for the year and I am already on my way with them starting today with going to a new dentist to get my very bad teeth fixed. (Did I ever mention how much I hate dentists? or my teeth for that matter?) Then I am also going to go into the Hospital and talk about going back to full time. I switched to part time last month for a better job opportunity but in the end it is turning out to be worse for me and my health/mental health as well. I guess sometimes our hearts lead our dreams into different paths and my heart is telling me to stay in the hospital. Other than that....Its finish cleaning and organize so that when the big move happens in March we are ready. :0) I will have more about that later. Like I said....BIG CHANGES. lol.
Well I think after all that I had better head to bed so I can be up in time for the...dentist. Ugh. :0( I will try my hardest to keep up better with my blogging from now on.
Love you all and Keep Smiling!


Monday, December 26, 2011

JenniBean's Stand Against Childhood Cancers | Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer

JenniBean's Stand Against Childhood Cancers Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer

I have been a support of Alex's Lemonade Stand since 2007 and It has always been my goal to help raise awareness for this cause. Somewhere in my busy life I have forgotten about the page and goal that I set up and have been brought back to it yet again. I realized that a few years ago I realized I was setting my goals to high so for 2012, I am setting up a goal to raise $250 for Alex's Lemonade Stand. So let raising the awareness begin!