Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who I am.....

The question of who I am keeps coming up a lot around here lately. For some reason I feel like I am completely lost right now and I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that I stopped relaying on God like I used to. I am not sure why or what happened that I chose to get off my path but I need to find my way back. I did make it to church Sunday with the Ellis's and I was so glad that I gave up my sleep time to do so. Not because it was one of those "Ah" sermons but because at the breakfast that the church held after I finally realized that I may not be ready to leave MCH. My residents are my pride and joy as strange as that sounds. They are a huge chunk of my life. The Ellis's are also another huge chunk of that life. Why I have ran from them too I am not sure. I think my opinions have gotten to much in my way to really enjoy things so I have decided that today the rest of my life needs to begin. I am going to get going back to church and start setting up a better life style for myself Starting today. Although I didn't get to clean my room the way I wanted today, I did get on the phone with some of the people that I needed to in order to start getting this debt taken care of. Paid 2 of my bills and ordered the oil dipstick for my car. Tomorrow I will clean my room and call the rest of the people I need too. I need to get control of my life so that I can better this world.....

In other news....yesterday I was finally able to get a girls day out with Shannon. She came over to Easter and Gram watched the girls so we could go see a movie. We also went to Chinese and I took Shannon to the Christmas Tree Store in our area. We went and saw Soul Surfer which was an amazing movie. It has a very religious turn on it which wasn't really what I thought it would be but I loved every minute of the movie even if it made both of us cry at least 6 times. I would recommend it to anyone who loves an inspirational movie. It also had a very good lesson in there for kids. Like I said....very amazing!
We also picked Madyson up and brought her to Grams house to watch movies with the girls and make smoothies. I think there might be some new pen pals in the making. lol. I also had fun when returning Madyson because Ashely and her friends were baking cakes and I got to hold Haily the time I was there. She is so cute and it was really nice to be able to spend some time with actual family members. I am starting to get a better understanding of where I need to go in life here....
Well I think that is all I can post until later. Time to get ready for work. I know I have a bunch of ladies waiting for my return. lol.
Keep Smiling!

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