Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Daybook 10-16-12

Outside my window: Right now it is 11pm so I imagine those crazy cats from behind the fence are running around my back yard. Honestly...its very cold so I'm not going to look. 

I am thinking... I am thinking about what I'm going to create next and whether its too soon to return to church. 

I am thankful... I am thankful that I got my mother's crafting skills. I know this sounds silly but I really did thank her tonight. She always made out costumes and now at 26 I am making them for my friends kids. 

In the Kitchen... There are freshly made chocolate chips cookies from today's many adventures. 

I am wearing... Jeans and a white sweater which is covered in food because I held my nieces both right after eating. 

I am creating... Costumes from wizard of oz for my best friends daughters. I am also working on 2 blankets. 

I am going... Its 11pm. I'm not going anywhere but to the shower and bed! 

I am wondering... If they will make a 3rd Sherlock Holmes movie. Thanks to Zach; I rather fancy the first two. 

I am reading... My bible and a book my sister lent me called Good Omens. 

I am hoping... That my stomach stops hurting so I can rest. 

I am looking forward to... This weekend. I'm giving Amanda the girls costumes and having a girls day with my mom and sisters. 

I am learning... That I have to allow people to take care of me and how to be loved. 

Around the house... craft supplies EVERYWHERE! 

I am pondering... What to work on after I get finished with this post. lol. 

A Favorite Quote for the day: Romans 5

One of my favorite things... my crochet hook. lol. 

A few plans for the rest of the week: 4 trips to the hospital, finishing costumes and curtains and spending time with people I love. 

A peek into my day: 
Working on making a "Good Witch" shirt. 

Well that would be it for now. If you would like to try this for yourself...go to this blog....
Otherwise...until next time...Keep Smiling! 

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